
Showing posts from May, 2014

How to Predict and Survive a lightning strike.

If you are located at least six miles away from a thunder storm you are probably safe. You can notice if the storm and lightning strikes are getting closer. From 6 miles it takes 30 seconds from when you see a lightning strike until you hear the thunder. When the thunders comes earlier, the storm is getting closer. 3 miles is about 10-15 seconds and so forth, and anything closer is considered the Danger Zone! If you find yourself here, here are some things to keep in mind: Get indoors immediately. Even a car is relatively safe, as it stands on rubber wheels. Lightning likes to hit the tallest object around. A football field for example would be a bad place to stand. Get off any field with no trees or structures around. There are few ways to spot an incoming lightning strike. "If your hair stands up in a storm, it could be a bad sign that positive charges are rising through you, reaching toward the negatively charged part of the storm. That's not a good sign!" -

Seven hidden gems in Mac OSX

OS X has all kinds of great little features, but so many of them  don't make the back of the box . Whether you've been an OS X user for a long time or you're new to the operating system, here are a few of the best built-in tools you might not know about (or you've just forgotten). Read on Lifehacker -  Seven unsung built-int gems in Mac OSX Digitally Sign Documents with Preview Invoke Dictionary with a Keystroke Find Menu Bar Options Quickly with Help Add Handwriting Recognition with Ink

How to hide secret messages in tweets

Steganography is the ancient practice of stashing secret text, images, or messages inside a different text, image, or message. It dates back to as early as the fifth century BC, when Spartan King Demaratus removed the wax from a writing tablet and wrote a message hidden on the wood underneath  warning of an imminent invasion by Xerxes . Users need only type the text they want others to see in one field and the hidden message in a separate field. The service, created by New Zealand-based developer Matthew Holloway, then spits out a tweetable message that fuses the two together in a way that's not noticeable to the human eye. Read the article at 'Artstechnica '

5 Mental Health Exercises You Can Accomplish at Your Desk

For many of us, the workplace is the cause of most of our stress. Unfortunately, your office is also the most inappropriate location to meditate. Luckily for you, there are plenty of exercises you can do at your desk to lower your anxiety levels, control your breathing and reduce your stress. Whether it's taking a subtle power pose, going through meditative breathing exercises or just accepting your problems by writing out solutions, there are many methods for relaxing at your desk that you probably never thought of before. Read on Mashable

How to browse the library effectively

by newhousemaps . Explore more visuals like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually .