
Showing posts from October, 2016

Chrome Browser Tips: "Read Later", Bookmarklets, Sharing

Some more tips for Google Chrome. Using bookmarklets to share a page to social media (pinterest,twitter,etc.) saves you the pain of having to install an app. "How to use bookmarklets" Bookmarking things in a "read later" folder: When I'm on a Website I'd like to Read Later I Bookmark it into a folder  Easy in Chrome  â€“ Two ways to Fave a Page: Click the Star in the Address Bar — Select a folder. Or just drag the Secure Site Icon straight to your Desktop, into a Folder, or to your Bookmarks Bar — it makes a shortcut to the page you are reading. https secure site icon The only problem is my Read Later folder was filling up faster than I could possibly read (even with a speed-reader).

Where Bed Bugs Come From and How People Get Them

Bedbugs, lice, and roaches are mankind's biggest pests and have been following us since the stone age, and likely even before. The Bed Bug Life Cycle Roaches can be found anywhere there's food, but bed bugs are found mainly in people's houses - and like mosquitoes they live on blood. They live in the mattress, in the bedsheets, in clothes, and in furniture (mostly couches, beds, and chairs). In some countries they are called Wall Lice (veggdyr) or 'Furniture Lice'. How do people get bedbugs? Or rather how to not get bed bugs. If a person has bed bugs in the house they can attach to your clothes. If you're unlucky you bring them home and they might multiply. They find you by your smell - the CO2 your breathe out and maybe also heat from your body, which is how they find their way to beds and soft furniture. Video: How To Inspect for And Find Bedbugs How to get rid of bed bugs Here are some options: A CO2 machine specifically designed to attr...

Blogging Tips - Learning from Tube Blogger's Mistakes

MISTAKE #1. NOT MY MISTAKE Although we have had a lot of guest writers over the years, I'm the only main writer, editor, and designer, with limited time for the tech related issues of the blog. The blog has sort of bounced back from being stolen and spammed, and someone copied all of our articles. I also did not have time to keep up with Panda SEO updates and the other stuff to keep the blog up to date in search engines. MISTAKE #2. NETWORKING IN THE WRONG NICHE Read more:  Tube Blogger - Learn to blog from tubeblogger's mistakes

Year of the Fitness Trackers - 2016

2015 was the Year of the Smart Watch , now it's all about the Fitness Trackers.   The fitness and activity tracking features on last years smartwatches were the most used, besides checking the time. Maybe Smart Watches Aren't for Everyone Dealing with the tiny screen can get a bit clunky on a smartwatch; some things are just much easier on the phone. The fitness trackers are a bit more affordable alternative smart watches - if you only need something to track your workouts/activity - and perhaps show the time, and maybe a few smart watch features anyway. How to choose the right fitness tracker

How to get followers without spending money

Creating a buzz for your brand can be difficult without spending any money. A few days ago I wrote about Branding Yourself and how important it is to own your brand name across social networks. Today we will talk about how to find and cover the most engaging topics. Become an expert in your niche. Keep up with the topics in your category. Connect yourself with Klout to measure your influence. Add the topics in your niche to your profile and Klout gives you the latest insights and stories in your topic. Share some of the news daily (better yet write your own article, video, or headlines about it). Subscribe to some leaders in your topics, or a mailing list such as SmartBrief to get stories early and see what others are writing about. Another good tip I got a long time ago (though I often forget to follow it) is to focus on one social network at a time. With a service such as Hootsuite you can easily posts a message to several networks at once, but there is a limit to how m...

Building a Photography Portfolio Online

Some tips for building a photography portfolio. Did you know you can make money off your pictures? I recommend using Flickr where you can easily change the settings and tags on multiple pictures and albums at once. Summary: Creating an Album on Flickr with your Stock Photography (Images people can use for free). Another album for your professional photos. Using descriptive tags and captions to help people find your images and albums. Understanding Creative Commons

Tip for Branding: Own your Name

Own your Brand Name on Social Networks. Sites such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and perhaps YouTube can be important for your brand. This is perhaps more important than having a custom web address, because these social networks are free, and last forever (or as long as the company lasts). As long as you own your brand name on social media then even if your web address expires and someone else buys it, you still control your brand on all networks, and you might keep most of your followers.

More Ways to Use a Tennis Ball

Five funny, cute ways to use a tennis ball you probably hadn't thought of :) Just something I found on the web. If you know the appropriate credits for the images, please contact me or leave a comment.

Household Tips: Why You Want a Motorized Screen

We’ve all had the experience of sitting down on the porch to enjoy a balmy summer evening when the buzzing starts. The bugs funnel in, slowly at first, but begin coming out in droves as the sun starts to go down. So what do you do? You can try lighting a citronella candle to help ward them off that way, but that also increases the number of chemicals you’re breathing in, which isn’t ideal. You can always screen the porch in, but that’s not ideal either; you end up losing the view or having to make repairs at some point. Other than that, you’re often stuck going inside, and missing out on the beautiful weather. Fortunately, there’s an option that gives you the best of both worlds, a motorized screen . The Motorized Screen and Why You Want One Think of the way the power windows work in your car. Push the button, the window goes down, push it again, the window goes back up. The same principle applies to the motorized screen. The screen itself is wound around a spindle which is th...

How to Remove Permanent Markers, Make a Good Sandwich, and More Household Tips


TubeBlogger Weekly Vol 6 - From Internetz with Love

From the Internetz with Love What's New: WeirdTubes - Ready for Halloween Already WeirdTubes is a TubeBlogger site on Tumblr that has covered That Weird Part of YouTube for over three years. With only one editor it was a bit q...

How Painful Is It - Illustrated Tattoo Painsheet

Want a special tattoo in a special place and wondering how painful it will get? Check out this helpful tattoo painsheet. Some places like the legs, stomach, and chest area tend to be painful where the skin is thin. Good luck, and bring something to bite on!

The Endrocrine System Illustrated


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